At Lock’O’Loop, we believe that packaging should be reused over and over, in a closed and local loop – only in Delft!

Go zero waste, go circular!
Fill your basket with our products
Make your choice amongst our selection of dry foods or hygiene products; most of our products come from an organic supplier and are available in different sizes and volumes!
Pick-up your order
when & where you want
Check out our list of pick-up points. Select the location, day and time that suits you and we will bring your order there and then on our cargo bike – as low carbon as it gets!
Return a jar = get your money back!
Each product comes with a deposit on its container: return your empty container & get a refund to apply to your next order.
The jar or bag will be washed and refilled!
Why zero waste when we can recycle?
Plastic, glass, paper, aluminium and even biodegradable plastic…
Whatever material it’s made of, single-use packaging is not and cannot be sustainable.
Here are 5 reasons why to go zero waste with Lock’O’Loop.
Single-use can never be sustainable
Plastic is too cheap to produce, too expensive to recycle; bioplastic requires very specific conditions to break down and often contaminates real plastic recycling process. Paper needs a lot of water and chemicals, and glass is energy consuming to produce and recycle. And let’s not forget the environmental cost of transporting it all! Let’s be real: the sustainable single-use packaging does not exist.
Local shop means less transport pollution
We’re only operating in Delft – and plan to keep it that way! Or a least anywhere within biking distance: while our products are of course delivered to our warehouse by truck (can’t be helped!), all our deliveries to our pick-up points are done using a cargo-bike: pure muscle strength!
Organic food at a lower price!
Yes: we do sell mostly organic food. And yes, this is more expensive than non-organic food. But have you compared our prices with other organic supermarkets? We’re often cheaper! We aim for affordability: how can we promote zero waste and organic if no one can buy our products?
It’s convenient!
We strive to offer as many pick-up locations as we can. Are you part of a living community? Then we could deliver to your house! We’re also working on a 24/7 accessible locker so that you can pick your groceries whenever you want. Additionally, most of our products are available in different formats so that you can choose what’s best for you.
Plastic recycling is a myth
When the Netherlands boast a 54% recycling rate, it really means that a small part of the recovered plastic is recycled locally and the rest is sent abroad, to Malaysia for instance. It is supposedly recycled there, but in reality, most of it is either burnt or dumped into the sea… Long story short: even if you sort your plastic perfectly, there’s a good chance it will end feeding fish.
Become a pick-up point
Are you part of a living community and would like you and your flatmates to go zero waste? Do you own a business and want to help? Please, contact us, we’re always open to new partnerships!
Our partners & Pick-up points
From suppliers to pick-up points, we work in close collaboration with shops and organizations that share the same values as us, such as promoting organic agriculture or encouraging second-hand purchases.